
Interesting Sites




A site for expression, self improvement, learning and creativity


Energy Minimum Road to Outer Space

(Blog and thought experiments by Dave Plassman, Aerospace Engineer)

Sacred Harmonies

Musical accompaniment for the end phases of life


Discover new worlds with fantasy and science fiction paintings, drawings, and pen and ink work. Commissions are available at reasonable rates.

Green Path to Wellness

This website is about life, love, beauty, freedom, peace, my books and my professional service to anyone who needs it. Here you can read about my books, natural healing for humans and animals, the environment, organic gardening, vegetarianism, animal rights, human rights, the relationship of God with His creation, the Jewish Messianic movement, adaptive technology for the blind, seeing eye dogs, Esperanto, the virtues of the beautiful lady America and so forth. You can enjoy vegetarian recipes, tips toward a natural lifestyle, midi files of different kinds, literature, and useful information.